Top 10 ways to increase your not-for-profit membership renewals

Healthcare professionals smiling and clapping at an association board meeting. Tips to grow your membership.

Your members are your greatest assets because they already know your value, believe in your mission, and are part of the carefully constructed “community” your association or non-profit has created. You want to make sure you retain them!

They also likely help you recruit new members by spreading the good news about your organization to their colleagues. So your job now is to remind them why they joined in the first place and how much they will benefit from renewing their membership.

Here are the top 10 ways to keep them engaged:

  1. Personalize your membership renewal communications with macro fields rather than a generic greeting like “Dear Member”.

  2. Outline the accomplishments of your association from the entire year and emphasize that these achievements would not have been possible without the support of the membership. Don’t forget to celebrate all victories: awards given, grants received, a new website, etc.

  3. Carefully explain the benefits of membership renewal, such as conference registration discounts, monthly newsletters, award opportunities, etc.

  4. Motivate and excite your members by announcing the upcoming conference. Don’t forget to list the theme, dates and location.

  5. If your association fundraises, make sure your membership renewal reminder reinforces how donations support the association’s cause.

  6. Be persistent with your membership renewal reminders. Let technology do the work for you by scheduling automatic email reminders.

  7. Utilize the influence of opinion leaders by having key individuals reach out to lapsed members. This works best if it comes from a Board member, rather than the association management team.

  8. Timing is everything. Send your membership renewal reminders immediately prior to an event, such as the Annual General Meeting or the Annual Scientific Meeting, so that discounted attendance rates will incentivize members to renew quickly.

  9. Be proactive! Send out membership surveys to see what your association can do to retain and capture new members.

  10. Say thank you! Show appreciation for continued membership. And when you see your members at an event, don’t forget to thank them in person.

Rebecca Robinson is a Senior Association Coordinator at Secretariat Central, a turn-key association management company in the Greater Toronto Area. Rebecca’s team manages a range of healthcare associations, including the Canadian Association of Radiation Oncology, the Canadian Critical Care Society and the Canadian Sepsis Foundation. 

Need expertise in management, governance, finance, or events for your healthcare association or non-profit? Get in touch with us to see how we can make your life easier.

Bonnie Summerfeldt

A former print magazine art director who helps other savvy professionals get more credibility and confidence online with personal branding and Squarespace websites.

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